办公室: js6668金沙登录入口(沙河校区)11号学院楼322
邮箱:fangmin2@msu.edu; economing@cufe.edu.cn;
方明,现任js6668金沙登录入口助理教授,2023级本科经济学2班班主任。密歇根州立大学农业经济学与经济学博士,曾任世界银行发展研究部咨询顾问,阿尔玛文理学院(Alma College)经济系客座讲师。主要研究领域包括发展经济学、农业经济学、数字经济学,其现有研究成果发表于《经济研究》、《Environmental Research Communications》等国内外学术期刊。
2021.08-2021.12,阿尔玛文理学院(Alma College)经济系(美国),客座讲师
1. Fang, M., Jin, S., Deininger, K., & Gammans, M. (2023). Heterogenous climate impacts on crop yields: evidence from Ukraine. Environmental Research Communications, 5(10), 105015.
2. Fang, M., Lizotte, E., and Malone, T. (2019). A Hard Nut to Crack: Identifying Factors Relevant to Chestnut Consumption. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 50(856-2020-135), 27-47.
3. Li, T., Fang, M., Fu, L., and Jin, X. (2019). Relative Income and Subjective Economic Status: Empirical Evidence from the Perspective of the Collectivism Culture. Economic Research Journal《经济研究》, 12.
1. "Unintended Health Risk of Genetic Modification (GM): Glyphosate Use and Public Health in the U.S.", CARD Agricultural Academic Forum, Zhejiang University, December 2022.
2. "Climate Change, Land Productivity and Adaptation in Ukraine", 2022 AAEA Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, August 2022.
3. "Unintended Health Risk of Genetic Modification (GM): Glyphosate Use and Mortality Rates", 2022 AAEA Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, August 2022.
4. "Road Infrastructure and Rural Employment: Empirical Evidence from China", US-China Young Professional Forum-World Agricultural Landscape under Current Challenges, Purdue University, IN, August 2019.
5. "Road Infrastructure and Poverty Alleviation: Evidence from Rural China", 2019 AAEA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, July 2019.